Saturday 28 February 2015

Best Blogging Buddies Award - Dorama Minaoshi Ver.

Rules of the Award
1. Make a post about the award on your main blog.
2. Tag the person who nominated me in the post.
3. Nominate all of your friends/buddies and people who deserved the award.
4. Ask at least 15 questions.
5. Answer all the questions your nominee set for you.

Yay! I got my second blog award! Even though I've only done one other award, I love doing these because I find them quite fun to say the least! Anyway, I want to thank Eve - Pen & Key - for nominating me, and giving me some brilliant questions!

The 15 Questions Set by Eve
1. Favourite sweets?
As a lot of my friends know, I have a huge obsession for wine gums. They are so delicious that I don't know how I haven't been able to survive without them since the start of 2015! But I do also love Pocky, 'Cherry and Passion Fruit' Tic Tacs and Creme Eggs (I pronounce them how they look, instead of "Cream Eggs" like most people do) almost as much.

2. Write a sentence describing a moment in your childhood.
I was forced to confess to the guy I liked at the time in a school performance (The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe) because we played the role of the royal newlyweds.

3. Something you learned recently, not related to your school curriculum.
I've recently found the meaning of my new favourite word, after irony.
Limerence (noun): a state of mind resulting from a romantic attraction, characterized by feelings of euphoria, the desire to have one's feelings reciprocated, etc.

4. Favourite breakfast cereal?
I can't really answer this question because of two reasons, a) I never have breakfast on a morning because I'm either never up until around lunch time, or I don't have time on a school morning because I have to get to the bus, and b) I don't like cereal. Pancakes or an English breakfast is my only choice of food on a morning (if I'm up).

5. Favourite clothing brand?
Qwertee - the best supplier of fandom t-shirts to exist since ever.

6. Favourite makeup brand?
Again, I can't answer this question because I don't wear makeup.

7. If you had to live in another era, when would you live?
Does the future count? Because I want to live in an era where Pokemon are actually real, and I could cuddle up with my favourites, like Eevee, Shinx, Plusle, Minun, Korua, etc. It would be amazing. Also, a world where fandom characters actually existed.

8. What would you have on hand in a zombie apocalypse, you have 5 items.
A gun or katana/sword for obvious reasons, army rations for when I have no access to food, plenty of water, a several dozen books to keep me calm and rational when zombies are killing the people I know, and my best covers/pillow to have a comfortable nights sleep when zombies aren't around.

9. Flying or sailing?
Flying. I have been going on a plane several times a year for my whole life, and it would be weird to change to sailing when I've only gone a ship a few times. Going on a plane is natural to me, and I'm even going to be on a plane at the end of March to go visit my dad again.

10. Early to bed and early to rise, or lie in and stay up till 3 in the morning?
Lie in and stay up till 3 in the morning. I always regret this decision when I have to wake up early to go to school, but staying in bed with my iPad is my idea of comfort.

11. Favourite hobby, besides internetting?
Reading books and manga, collecting books/manga/Pokemon cards, editing around on my blog and trading website, making posts for my blog, chatting on social media websites with my friends, watching anime (DEATH PARADE is my new favourite of this season), watching k-dramas (PINOCCHIO), listening to k-pop and other music (BEAST), and checking up on any anime/manga updates. Sorry, couldn't just have one.

12. What's your superpower, and would you use it for good or evil?
I've always imagined myself being a Blood Dragon Slayer (like Natsu Dragneel being a Fire Dragon Slayer in Fairy Tail) and if I was in the FT world, I would probably use it for good and join the Fairy Tail guild. But in the real world, probably evil because I'm no Good Samaritan.

13. Biggest nightmare or fear?
I've got two that have equal fear residing inside of me. The first one is to fail my GCSEs, A-Levels, university degree, etc because I want to live my life by working with the best job possible (to me), gaining a lot of money for my family, and living it happily. My other is slightly ridiculous. I do slightly have a fear of the supernatural (like Dan Howell). I don't believe in the supernatural, but yet, it's the only other thing I fear. I'm fine when I'm watching films or dramas with the element in it, but when I'm in bed, I do slightly fear it when I'm in the house by myself. Especially Sadako from The Ring.

14. If you could play God and change any aspect of humanity, what would you change?
I would love to say something like "no war" or "no starvation and poverty", but that's not like me at all. I would probably just make Pokemon and other fandoms real, like the era question because that's what would make me truly happy.

15. Do you like trying new foods? What's the most bizarre thing you've tried? Did you like it?
I like sticking with the foods I'm comfortable, but if the food looks appealing, I wouldn't mind trying it. The most weird food I've eaten is a Thai dish (my stepmother is Thai, so I eat quite a bit of Thai food when I visit my dad). It was a salted red egg yolk from a duck. It looked really weird because most egg yolks were orange, but it tasted better than a chicken egg. So, it was not too bad.

Tagging Bloggers
Emma (Split Life)

My 15 Questions
1. If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
2. Favourite drink?
3. What's your number one thing on your bucket list (things you want to do before you die)?
4. You can only meet one celebrity, who is it?
5. Out of all your favourite character deaths, which ONE character would you bring back?
6. Any books you plan to read over the next year?
7. Least favourite music genre and why?
8. Best social media website (excluding Google+)?
9. Looking forward to anything in 2015/16?
10. What's 1000 - 7? (Doubt anyone will get that reference.)
11. If you can only save one friend from being murdered, who would you choose (and you can't pick 'no one')?
12. Which piece of technology do you use the most?
13. Go the heaven but never see anyone you love, or go to hell and be with those you love for eternity?
14. Favourite TV show and why?
15. Favourite token of friendship?

Lee Jong Suk being an adorkable cutie during a photoshoot.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed at the one-sentence story, I'm sorry! Since when did any of the royals in the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe get married? I like that word, limerence! Lara just wants all the things to be real, doesn't she?
    Eve <3
